I'm glad to be in his life before he got enlisted for national service because I got to see how he changed from a boy to a man,I saw how my boy grown during the years in the army..I got to attend his passing out parade,and even before his Passing out parade I got to send him of to tekong and saw him taking the oath and even got to listen to him whine about how tough,tired and mentally tired it was during his Basic military training days..although sometimes the things he said gets really boring that doesn't mean it's not worth listening.. I mean how many years can you get to hear about him talking or whining to you about all this, not a lot right..so just enjoy those moment that he came up and started whining to you about what happened in his camp!and amazingly you will get to know what you usually don't hear about army! :D
I was also overly attached to my boy before he got enlisted,we met almost every single day,due to school and because of that during his 2 weeks confinement i really felt like shit and thinking why are the days going by so slowly! i must even get use to him texting me till a certain timing only and most of all i must get use that he only have weekend to accompany me..sometimes due to his guard duty he only have half Saturday with me,and during his book out days my boy always love spending most of the time playing or even sleeping at home rather then thinking of where to go on a date with me..I even have to get use of going out with him lesser too :'( at that point of time i really feel like shit but i didn't chose to dump him just like that because i know how those training have mentally and physically drained him and he only want to rest as much as he can during his book out days.
Things doesn't get better after he passed out from basic military school, he got posted to his new unit and at the start i get almost every weekend with him but as months goes by he gotten some duty that he have to do..and so we get to meet lesser and lesser and sometimes we can't even meet each other..it sucks but i can't put the blame on him because he also doesn't want to burn his weekend just to go back in camp and do some duty! We get to text lesser, at first i got really mad at him because he doesn't text me everyday like he used to anymore but now i won't get mad if he doesn't text me for a day or even a few days because i know he might be having a tiring days after all his duty and he only want to get some rest after a long day. So please don't get paranoid or anything if your boy doesn't reply or even text you for a day or even days..not that they don't want to,maybe it's just that they are having a tiring day and all they wanted was to get as much rest as they can..
As months gone by,i understand more and more about what my boy is going through,although sometime there is still a lot of "WHY" questions in my head but i guess i have all the answers to my questions,time will clarify all my "WHY" questions! As months gone by there is still pros and cons being a NSF's girlfriend but to me being NSF's girlfriend wasn't that bad after all , So if your boyfriend doesn't have time with you like he used to doesn't mean you have to dump him away and find someone that can provide you all of his time! your boyfriend himself want to give u all the time that he have but he just can't ,not that he don't want to.. Trust me during their NS days is the only time that can prove how strong your relationship can get..Try being understanding and lend them your listening ears during this time just Be his pillar of support! and yes not only girls want being pampered like a princess sometimes boys also want to be pampered like a prince..Not all guys have to do what girls want to do sometimes they also want us to do what they want to do..they are human being too!
So to conclude my post,Try before thinking of giving up because you doesn't know what will happen if you doesn't even give it a shot!
I am glad to have my boy in my life although most of the time he is being really irritating! I just want to thank him for being such a sweet boy by bringing me out for a date when he could use the time staying at home resting and play his favorite game!sometimes he even agreed to go on a movie date with me on his book out day when he only have a few hours of sleep and got up really early for his duty! He gave me a chance to experience how is it to be a NSF's girlfriend, starting it sucks really bad but after all the stuffs that he said to me,made me learnt something new about army life and all the Passing out parade etc that i attended and even got a chance to see him grown from boy to man,everything is just worth it. Sometimes when i see couple on the streets or mall on the weekdays or during those days that he can't meet, i will always be thinking where is my boyfriend,why can't he just appear in front of me now and give me a hug but then i know that not he don't want to ,because he is serving the national service thats why he can't get to book out on weekdays!
Hey,boy..i'm might not be a very understanding girlfriend but still i am trying to be,thank you for giving me almost all of your weekend!I know most of the time you are mentally and physically drained
just want to say thank you for serving the nation and thank you for letting me see how much you have grown from a childish boy to a mature thinking man..I know that you are trying your best to text me as much as you can..I know this will sound really cheesy,but i am proud to have a man that is serving the nation with his life! love you!
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